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水消息网9月18日北京动静 “转变情况下水资本懦弱性”国际学术钻研会今天在北京国际会议中间盛大揭幕。中国水利部索丽生副部长代表水利部出席钻研会并在年夜会上做英文讲话。

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Speech at the International Workshop on


Vulnerability of Water Resources to Environmental Change水利旧事l}/C*t:HB

o0h ?hN0by Dr. Suo Lisheng,


Vice Minister of Water Resources


Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning!


/h`2oL1C2i6N F0It is my great pleasure to be here with you all in Beijing in this golden season o�����APPf autumn for the International Workshop on Vulnerability of Water Resources to Environmental Change. On behalf of the Ministry of Water Resources of the People''''s Republic of China, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the convening of this workshop and extend warm welcome to all of you.


_0d7M/m.x6@#o1Y0Water is the most basic and critical component in all aspects of human life. It is also an essential component of the earth''''s hydrosphere and an indispensable part of all terrestrial ecosystems. All lives depend on water, and we all wish better and safer living conditions that can be protected from such natural disasters as flood and drought. Unfortunately, however, the scarcity and limited capacity of water make it hard to support the continuously increasing water demand. And even worse, water does not always appear at the right place and right time as required by mankind and the natural system. Therefore, water issues are always a complex problem to resolve during the social and economic development. China, as a developing country, is still facing the following three major challenges on water:水利旧事u)pv9D_r;bH)e*Z6Y


Firstly, low standards for flood control and frequent flood and draught pose huge threats to the economic development and social stability, and bring about tremendous impact on the lives and properties of the public as well, such as the flood occurred in the Yangtze and Songhua Rivers in 1998, which greatly affected the social and economic development and resulted in huge damages.水利旧事e"U)f J&}|T


Secondly, the trend of water shortage is continuously growing and has restricted the social and economic development. At present, out of the 600 cities around the whole country, about 400 cities are facing a vital problem of water shortage.水利旧事7i]~Wb};^2[;Q

n-a\s!K&bj}DH!K0Thirdly, the degradation of ecosystem and environment has restricted the sustainable development. With the increasing discharge of wastewater and low standards for disposal, water pollution is observed in a significant growth. Many cities have been affected by water pollution to various extents. Due to insufficient provision of water for ecological uses, the ecosystem also has been degraded to some extent, such as shrinking of lake and river bodies, degradation of grassland, desertification of farmland and over abstraction of ground water and so on. The irrational human activities have also aggravated soil and water erosion.水利旧事@&No,gQ

-IVhf!a0This severe status of water resources has already constituted a huge threat to China’s sustainable development. In the future, continuous growth in population, development of economy and progress of urbanization and social prosperity will put an increasing pressure on the limited water resources. Therefore, in the 21st century, China is facing tedious tasks in the development, management and protection of water resources.


oJI9tv_0The Chinese people have a long history in fighting against the flood and drought disasters and in utilization of water resources. In face of the severe challenges of water issues to the sustainable development in China, the government has adopted a series of active measures to solve the problems.


Oh3d\fuU0The first is to formulate strategies on sustainable development of water resources according to the actual situations. In order to solve complex water problems, it is essential to transfer the traditional project-based water management to resource-oriented and sustainable water management, which will require formulating water resources management strategy and policies on the basis of sustainable development. It has been realized that the harmonious co-existence between the human and the nature is vital for sustainable development. The human should not make use of nature in an unrestrained way. Efforts should not only be made to protect the human from destruction by water disaster, but also be made to protect the ecosystem and water resources from destruction by the human. Under this principle, a larger number of schedules have been prepared to guide the water resources development.水利旧事)? _!l6{)cFYH1E


The second is to intensify the infrastructure construction so as to enhance the capacity of fighting against water disasters. In order to minimize the risk, mitigate the flood and drought disasters, and protect the ecosystem and environment, recently the Chinese government has intensively increased the investments in water sector to enhance the flood control standards and capacities, to increase the water supply capacity for domestic uses, industry uses and ecological uses as well, to increase capacities of rational water management, to improve the efficiency in water uses and call for efficient water uses, to improve the quality of water infrastructure to ensure the safety; and to protect and improve the environment.


s#GY9[&v1LP0Thirdly, China is determined to strengthen integrated water resources management. The efficient and sustainable development of water resources can only be achieved through the efficient water resources management. The recently revised “Water Law” by the National People’s Congress has provided a sound basis for implementing and enforcing the integrated water resources management. The government has decided to further promote the reforms of water resources management on institutional, legal and mechanism framework issues and to promote modernized water resources management.


We are living in a changing world, and the environment where we live in is changing continuously along with the natural and human development. The climate is changing due to the natural factors and the worsened air pollution. The ecosystem is also changing gradually along with the interferences by human beings. The mechanism of flooding and programming of water resources are also changing along with the interaction between natural system and human activities. The distribution of water resources is always changing, because of the development of water facilities. The water environment is also changing owning to the impact of human activities. All those changes will increase the vulnerability of water resources and bring great new challenges to us.


0c9ye,@\|A]0The recognition of the characteristics of water resources under the changing environmental conditions is the premise to the sustainable development and utilization of water resources. Suffering from the impacts of environmental changing, there appear many new problems in water resources in many areas of China. For example, the Yellow River’s natural runoff has been significantly reduced and dry-out has occurred during the past 20 years, owning to the intensive human activities.


2TV&p GH2X1zI0I am very glad that this workshop gives us the opportunity to discuss the vulnerability of water resources to the environment changes. I believe that all participants will realize how important this topic is for the future water resources development, management and protection. It will be helpful not only to China, but also to the rest of the world.


Finally, I wish the workshop a great success, and all the participants a pleasant stay in China.水利旧事o(f9]6y%kgG.E@c;l#I


Thank you.水利旧事\3l,x{a2?H

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