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华体会,居住社区海绵改造过程的碳排放核算研究 郑涛(同济大学建筑设计研究院有限公司,上海200092)

焦点提醒:栖身社区海绵革新进程的碳排放核算研究 郑涛(同济年夜学建筑设想研究院无限公司,上海200092)中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]郑涛.栖身社区海绵革新进程的碳排放核算研究[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(19):112-119. ZHENG Tao.Estimation of Carbon Emission during Sponge City Reconstruction of Residential Community[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(19):112-119.点击复制

    Estimation of Carbon Emission during Sponge City Reconstruction of Residential Community
    ZHENG Tao
    (Tongji Architectural DesignCo. Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China)
    residential community;sponge reconstruction;carbon emission;life circle assessment
    社区海绵化革新是海绵城市扶植在流域-城市-社区层级中最根本的环节,其碳排放的核算方式对节能减排、实现碳中和具有主要的意义。以海绵城市扶植进程为研究对象,针对其碳排放量底数不清、核算方式和减排路子有待深切研究的近况,以结合国当局间天气转变特地委员会(IPCC)指南为首要根据,基在生命周期评价法,建立了合用在栖身社区海绵革新进程的碳排放核算方式,并以上海浦东新区潍坊街道社区为例,对海绵革新前后的碳排放量进行了具体核算,阐发碳减排路子与结果。成果注解,海绵革新中间接碳排放首要来自在海绵举措措施降解污染物发生的碳排放;间接碳排放包罗材料出产碳排放、运输碳排放和装备电耗能耗碳排放;碳汇则来自在海绵举措措施运转进程中的绿化固碳、雨水操纵、径流削减、雨水净化、建筑节能等进程。全生命周期(30年)内的间接碳排放量(以CO2计)为152.9 t,间接碳排放量为714.5 t,碳汇总量为2 070 t,预期在6.5年无望到达碳中和。绿化固碳是海绵革新进程中首要的碳汇来历,应尽量充实操纵近况绿地,避免年夜改年夜建,以期在实现海绵举措措施控流减污的同时,分析斟酌碳排效应。
    Community sponge reconstruction is the most basic part of sponge city construction at the level of river basin, city and community, and its carbon emission estimation method is of great significance for energy conservation and carbon neutralization. During the sponge city construction process, there are problems of unclear carbon emission base and lack of estimation method and emission reduction way. A carbon emission estimation method suitable for sponge reconstruction of residential communities was established based on the guidelines of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) and the life cycle assessment (LCA) method. The carbon emission before and after sponge reconstruction was calculated in Weifang Street Community, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, and the carbon emission reduction effect was analyzed. The direct carbon emission during the sponge reconstruction city was mainly from the degradation process of pollutants in the sponge facilities. The indirect carbon emissions included the material production, transportation and power consumption of the equipments. The carbon sink was from greening carbon sequestration, rainwater utilization, runoff reduction, rainwater purification, building energy conservation and other processes during the operation of sponge facilities. In the whole life cycle (30 years), the direct carbon emission was 152.9 to�����APPns, the indirect carbon emission was 714.5 tons, and the total carbon sink was 2 070 tons. It was expected to reach the carbon neutralization in 6.5 years. The greening carbon sequestration was the main source of carbon sink in the process of sponge reconstruction. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of the current green space as far as possible to avoid large-scale reconstruction, so as to realize the flow control and pollution reduction of the sponge facilities and comprehensively consider the carbon emission effect.


    [1]揭小锋,郭迎新,周丹,等.基在“分质分区处置”理念的工业厂房海绵革新策略[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(12):14.JIE Xiao-feng,GUO Ying-xin,ZHOU Dan,et al.Sponge City Reconstruction Strategy of Industrial Plant Based on the Concept of Quality and Regional Division Treatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(19):14.

    更新日期/Last Update:2021-10-01

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